vaping tips on how to start vaping

How to start vaping – Some Vaping Tips for Newcomers

Start vaping? But how? If you are reading this article, it means you have decided to quit smoking and start vaping. Congratulations on this decision! Vaping is way better than cigarettes. They are more fun with all the clouds you can create and the flavours you can taste, but it is also better for your health.

However, it can be overwhelming at the beginning with all the devices and kits, flavour options, and different expressions like VG/PG ratio. In this article, we collected a few vaping tips, dos, and don’ts and things to pay attention to when beginning your vaping experience.  

1.The right device 

In the beginning, it can be hard to figure out what device to buy and what is right for you when start vaping. You won’t necessarily stay with the first kit you buy forever. Buy one, try it, use it for a while, and see if it fits you. You can always go into a store before starting to buy things online, speak to staff, tell how you feel about your kit, and see if they can suggest something else. My suggestion to start would be Smoke Nord all in one pod kit. If you can, find a store or customer support where the staff is NCSCT trained. These guys can not only help you with choosing a device, setting up the kit but can help you with the transition from smoking to vaping, smoking sensation, and nicotine replacement.

2.Buy the back up of the back up of the back up

Once you have found the right kit, always make sure you buy back up. And the back up of the back up. This will be useful once your first device is out of action for any reason, and you won’t have to run to the store or wait for the kit to arrive after purchasing online. Make sure you buy a back up of everything. You can never have enough mods, RDAs, tanks, and flavours of your choosing.

3.Do your research and find vaping tips

Make sure you know everything about your kit. Make sure to read the user manual even if the vaping store staff showed you how to set it up. If you really want to start vaping, you will need to consume a lot of content and valuable vaping tips. It is there for a reason, and by sitting down and reading through it, you will get all the information necessary to start. Just imagine IKEA furniture. You wouldn’t start putting it together without the manual, right? You can also do research online. YouTube has plenty of videos about all sorts of kits.

4.The battery

Always and always have good quality spare batteries. You need this in your bag, at home and wherever you go. It is also necessary to have a good charger and a carry case or wraps for the batteries. It is not advised to carry the batteries lose as they have been known to vent in pockets when mixed up with coins and keys.

5.E liquid and flavours

One of the most fantastic bits of vaping is the flavours. It is exhilarating that after only mint and tobacco taste of your cigarette, you have a wide variety of flavours of e liquids you can choose from like berries, desserts, fruits, and so on. But don’t go crazy on them at the beginning. Make sure you buy a few to try them out and avoid vapers’ tongue but don’t go overboard as you might be left with bottles of juices that you won’t use as you found the one you love. Always make sure you buy premium quality e liquid as cheaper, and lower quality ones can make you feel sick due to containing impurities. 

6.Find the right amount of nicotine level to start vaping

If you just came off fags, you might need to figure out the right nicotine strength to ensure cravings are satisfied, and you don’t vape too much. Yes, you can vape too much, which can cause headaches or nausea. But don1t worry, if this happens, just give it a rest for 20-30 minutes, and it will go away, and you can carry on. I would suggest to start with a higher nic level like 18mg and adjust accordingly. If you haven’t smoked before then, a lower level will do.

7.Find a support network and get vaping tips

It is good to have like minded people surrounding you. Make sure you join a group online or on social media, and start having conversations about how you are doing and ask your questions. Here experienced vapers can advise you and help you on your vaping journey. It is one of the best ways to get valuable vaping tips.

8.Never give up

Last but not least, don’t give up vaping. Even if you run into some difficulty with your device, bad flavour, or you had a fag here, and there don’t give up. Carry on, and it will get easier. You will learn with time, and I promise you will love it in the long run.

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